Supply Chain Course for Designers Master Class TM


Supply Chain Course for Designers Master Class TM, With Case Study and Case Method.

About the Master Class:

This course teaches students about supply chain management and its importance as a designer. Also, this course teaches about the basic components of the supply chain, why I picked oral representation, and how students are able to get a very good perspective being a very non-technical person. Also talks a little about the history of supply chain management and how it is being optimized over time and how to even optimize it further using the latest technology but we have like the lean method Kafka to improve its process inefficiencies has been covered in the course.

Design philosophy:

As I used to say in my design courses, that design cannot be learned in the rot learning or Textbook way of learning that you do through a chapter wise and remember some formulas that will yield you some solutions. Design is unique and when different people approach the same problems we will get different solutions based on the inputs that the designer works on.

So design can be approached in the way of learning through case studies and by doing activities on your own to learn yourself.

Learning by doing and learning by action.

Benefits of the Master Class:

  1. Students will learn about the components of Supply chain management in detail like who is the customer, who is the manufacturer, who is the distributor, how it is coming from the warehouse into the dealer shop, and how people are getting the products in the local shops.
  2. Each and every stakeholder and community has been discussed with pictorial representation and 3-D models so students will learn about it very clearly.
  3. Also, this course talks about a system of supply chain management and how we got optimized over time.
  4. The teachings regarding the optimization of the supply chain and how sufficiency can be improved have been discussed.
  5. Using the principles and Kafka principles we are able to improve the efficiency of supply chain management.
  6. Also learning about the benefits of supply chain management knowledge and how we are able to create a big value in the form of the process of product development and product life-cycle even though you are a designer or an engineer this is a vital skill that is needed across the world and it has a huge demand globally.
  7. An easy class project is given for understanding Toyota car manufacturing supply chain logistics, how it is reached by the dealer shop, and how we are getting it in hand students are asked to make an illustration of their understanding of supply chain management to this project.

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