Virtual Reality Business Model Creation

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Virtual Reality Business Model Creation, How to create Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Business Models and/or how to monetize VR and AR.

Course Description

Course Content
How you can create revenue with your investment in virtual and augmented reality.

I. Introduction to VR and AR

II. master the next 3 technology waves and benefit from them:
Wave 1: Virtual Reality,
Wave 2: Augmented Reality and
Wave 3: USEMIR (Ubiquitous SEnsory MIxed Reality)

III. Method: Discover VR / AR Business Models for your company – regardless of your industry.
III.a basics of outstanding “Business Model Generation”
III.b Transformation to VR / AR business models and monetization
III.c 10+1 examples of VR / AR business models or monetization

IV. Reading tipp: how to train your idea muscle to imagine 10 individual Business Model ideas for your specific business.

Course structure

After the VR and AR Business Models Training week – held as a classroom training – I wanted to give more VR and AR Enthusiasts and entrepreneurs access to this hop business topic.
In This video training I navigate you through the shores of Virtual and Augmented Reality Business Models.
We will take the hill up to VR and AR Business models step by step in 7 videos. Each subject is illustrated by slides which I walk you through.
We don’t re-invent the wheel. We stick with proven business modeling concepts.

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