Scope 1: Greenhouse Gases Emissions Calculation Methodology


Scope 1: Greenhouse Gases Emissions Calculation Methodology, A practical business course focused on the application of climate risk management tools and greenhouse gas calculations.

Course Description

Welcome to the first module of Greenhouse Gas Emission Calculation Methodology by International Practices Course by HPBS BV company. The program was developed by HPBS experts and is part of an ecosystem of educational trainings in the field of sustainable development, green economy and reducing the ecological footprint.

In this module, you will look at what sustainability is and what is happening to the climate.  You will learn about Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement. In the first section you will figure out what greenhouse gases are and what a carbon footprint is, and how a carbon footprint differs from an ecological footprint. In the next section you will specify and review Scope 1 GHG emission sources, discover  what type of data can be used for quantification of GHG emissions, go through coefficients and emissions factors that are used when calculating greenhouse gas emissions.

As the practical task you will detect direct greenhouse gases emissions sources for Scope 1 and we will perform some calculations for direct emissions.

The following questions are addressed in this module:

  • basic concepts of climate change
  • types of climate risks
  • greenhouse gases
  • carbon footprint
  • sources of direct emissions of the organization (which are Scope 1 emissions);
  • input data needed for estimation of Scope 1 emissions
  • details of Scope 1 emissions calculations;
  • and practice some calculations ourselves.

After this module we highly recommend you to continue studding GHG Emission Calculation Methodology for Scope 2  and Scope 3 with the courses which you can find in our Instructor profile.

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