Java Functional programming with lambda and streams


Java Functional programming with lambda and streams, Java Functional programming with lambda and streams.

Course Description

In this course, you will be able to learn the basic to expert level of using the lambda and streams

which helps you to develop quick and more readable, and concise code in your work


1. What is the lambda expression?

2. How to use the lambda expression ?

3. Benefits of the lambda expression?

4. What is the SMI or Functional interface?

5. What is the OOTB functional interface ?

6. How Java has implemented Functional programming?

7. Lazxy evaluation

8. Immutability with lambda expression


1. What are streams?

2. How to use the streams?

3. What are the benefits of using the streams?

4. What is the syntax of the streams?

5. What are the operations of the streams?

6. How to create streams?

7. Hands-on the Creation of the streams?

Array, Collection, With a collection of values, With Stream builder, With Stream iterate, With Stream generate

With iterator stream support

8. What are the intermediate operations?

filter, Map, flatMap, distinct, sorted, peek, limit, skip

9. Hands on the intermediate operations?

forEach, toArray

Collect, Reduce

Min, Max

Count, anyMatch

allMatch, noneMatch

findFirst, findAny

Chaining of the  intermediate operations

10. What are the terminal operations?

11. Hands-on the terminal operations?

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