A Guide to Safeguarding

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A Guide to Safeguarding, The procedures needed to protect children and vulnerable adults from harm, abuse and neglect.

Course Description

This course provides a guide to the safeguarding procedures that medical practices and other service providers need to have in place to guard against abuse.

Safeguarding procedures are needed within doctors’ surgeries, schools, nurseries, clubs and associations and any organisation dealing with children and young people, and vulnerable adults.

This is not a course about the clinical detection or escalation of safeguarding concerns

The aim of the course is to help providers design the administrative procedures in place that they need for safeguarding

The focus of the course is the United Kingdom but the principles covered in the course, and the procedures presented, should apply anywhere.

The agenda for the course includes:

1.What is Safeguarding?

2.Who is covered by safeguarding?

3.The Responsibilities of Service Providers

4.Key Decisions for Service Providers

5.Documents relating to safeguarding

6.Registration of new service users

7.Identification of Concerns

8.Proactive Analysis of Issues

9.Collaborative Review

10.Audit of Effectiveness

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