The ABC of Sanskrit Language


The ABC of Sanskrit Language, Learn Sanskrit language alphabtes with English transliteration.

Sanskrit is the ancient Indian language. There are many benefits of learning this language. The script or alphabets is the starting point or base of any language. All those who are already familiar with the Devanāgarī script, find it easier to learn this language. However, there are many who wish to learn this language but unable or find it difficult as they are not familiar with the Devanāgarī script. In this course, our aim is to help all those to understand and learn the Sanskrit language script. English alphabets are used as medium and with English transliteration, one should be able to get familiar and with practice learn this script too.  This course covers all alphabets, vowels as well as consonants and its classification. It covers how they are pronounced. Further, one will also learn how to write these alphabets. From each consonant, various letters are formed with addition of different vowels and this course also cover how these various letters are formed. With this basic knowledge and regular practice, one can start learning the basic grammar topics. However, this course additionally covers a lesson on how one can introduce self in simple sentences. And simple conversation between two people. Any learning process should have element of fun and creativity as well. And so we end this course with a story in Sanskrit in the form of animated video with English subtitles. We wish student will find all lessons useful and will enjoy them as well.

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