Post Traumatic (PTSD) and Acute Stress Problems


Post Traumatic (PTSD) and Acute Stress Problems, Methods for Finding Relief.

Course Description

Master the four primary symptoms of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress) and Acute Stress disorders. That is, the tendency to re-experience the actual traumatic event through dreams, nightmares and unwanted recollections. The second symptom involves motives employed by sufferers to avoid anything that reminds them of the trauma. For example, certain sensory experiences such as smells, colors, sights, tastes or sounds that might trigger unpleasant memories. Third, a feeling of detachment from others and reduced responsiveness to on-going life events. Such detachment could entail dissociation, a loss of memory, feelings of derealization and depersonalization. Finally, sufferers may notice that their arousal levels are easily triggered as well as feelings of anxiety and even guilt for surviving the traumatic event. This hyper-alert state can encompass exaggerated startle responses as well as recurring sleep disturbances.

Learn about the various risk factors associated with the stress disorders.  That is, the characteristics of groups (such as Indigenous People, Hispanics, African Americans and women) that are more likely to suffer from the stress disorders. In addition, we’ll cover the percentages in our population likely to suffer from PTSD and acute stress disorders in any given year.

Grasp the range of effective treatments available for reducing nightmares, daydreams, avoidance, numbing and on-going tension. See demonstrations of successful therapy methods that are videotaped as well as explanations of exposure treatments and psychotropic drug therapy. Finally, a review of key concepts and answers is available to test your memory.

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