Mastering Power Electronics using Plecs simulations, Building blocks of power electronics.
Course Description
Simulation is paramount in power electronics because it allows us to experiment with complex converter topologies, test various scenarios, and optimize designs without the constraints of physical prototypes. It’s a virtual laboratory that empowers engineers. Plecs is a powerful simulation tool with a Simulink-like interface, enabling you to simulate and visualize the behavior of various power converter topologies, allowing you to gain practical insights into their operation. The key to mastering any software is practicing examples. Therefore, Plecs simulation exercises are given to reinforce understanding and hands-on application of the concepts covered. The course is divided into the following modules:
Module 1: Introduction to Power Converter
- Basics of power electronics and power conversion
- Analysis tools include Fourier series, total harmonic distortion (THD), power factor, average and rms value, and periodic steady-state.
Module 2: Introduction to Plecs
- Installation of Plexim Plecs
- Building and simulating a simple Plecs model
- Editing parameters of blocks
- Editing scope parameters
- The first electrical circuit in Plecs
- Half-wave rectifier simulation
- Using Plecs schematic and waveform in the report
- Exporting waveform as CSV data and importing it into Matlab for plotting
- Fourier spectrum of a waveform
- Average and rms value
- The hold trace option for tuning a parameter
- Modeling of mechanical systems (optional)
Module 3: Simulation Scripts in Plecs Standalone
- Introduction to Octave Console
- Simulation Scripts environment
- Evaluating parameters and exporting and importing CSV files
- Holding scope trace using simulation script
Module 4: C Programming in Plecs: The C-script
- Introduction to C-script block
- Using parameters in C-script block
- Multiplexed inputs to C-script block
Module 5: Introduction to AC-DC Converters
- Introduction and classification of AC-DC converters
- Half-wave diode rectifier with resistive load
- The effect of inductive load in half-wave diode rectifier
- Single-phase bridge rectifier
- Half-wave and bridge controlled rectifier with resistive load
Module 6: Introduction to DC-DC converters
- Introduction to DC-DC buck converter and implementation in Plecs
- Introduction to pulse-width modulation
- Design of a DC-DC buck converter
- Frequency response using impulse response analysis in Plecs
- Designing a feedback controller for a Buck converter
- The transfer function of converter using system identification
- Digital control for Buck converter
Module 7: DC-ACÂ converters
- Half and full-bridge Inverter simulation in Plecs
- Quazi Square Wave or Three level Inverter or Phase-shift modulation
- Sinusoidal pulse-width modulation
- Bipolar and Unipolar SPWM
- Full-bridge inverter with series resonant networks
- Gain gain characteristics curve of resonant inverter using simulation script
- Full-bridge inverter with parallel resonant network
- Three phase bridge inverter in 180 degree and 120 degree conduction mode
Module 8:Â Texas instruments TIÂ C2000 Microcontroller programming using Plecs
- Introduction to TI C2000 microcontroller
- Blink Led Using GPIO
- GPIO in input and output mode
- Pulse width modulation (PWM) using C2000 mcu, External mode operation
- TI C2000 DAC and ADC
- Offline simulation of TI C2000 controlling power converter
- Offline simulation of digital control of the Buck converter