Master Object Oriented Programming with Python

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Master Object Oriented Programming with Python, Become Proficient in Object Oriented Programming with this Project Based Course. Master OOPS in Python, get confident!.

Course Description

Hello, My Name is Pranav and I’m glad you have chosen to attend my course on OOP concepts in Python. So, let’s get started.

So, what exactly is object-oriented programming (or OOP for short)?

Before we get into that, what exactly is an object?

Objects can be considered instances of a class. They inherit the class’s data structure and act as their own objects.

Classes are predefined data structures or the barebones which are passed down to an object. A blueprint if you may.

The mainstream way of programming followed until OOPS was introduced was functional programming. Functional programming did not have a class, or object structure in it and only had a functional or output-oriented codebase.

The first instance of OOP was brought in C++. This brought an instant change in the way programmers thought of the structure of a programming language.

This especially helped in developing complex business logic, where OOP made the codebase more efficient and maintainable.

The main advantages of OOP over functional programming are:

1. Robustness

OOP programs can prove to handle errors and unexpected inputs with grace as compared to many functional programs, which just crash during errors. This can be helpful as robustness reduces the risk of unexpected crashes, especially in critical applications such as banking or healthcare applications.

2. Adaptability

Software would need to adapt to changing times and system environments. Writing the code using OOPS can be greatly beneficial as OOP makes implementing any changes or introducing new versions a fairly straightforward process.

3. Reusability

When the same codebase can be used for different parts and versions of the application, it is considered Reusable. OOP helps make the codebase reusable as the same classes can be reused in different instances of the application instead of writing the same part of the code every time it needs to be called.

This is a brief introduction to what is OOP. We will be covering more in-depth in the next sections. Also, You are free to try the coding exercise that would give you an introduction to OOP in Python.

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