Learn Classroom Dynamics Through Multiple Intelligence


Learn Classroom Dynamics Through Multiple Intelligence, Towards Excellence!

Course Description

The module “Learn Classroom Dynamics Through Multiple Intelligence” showcases how to become an excellent teacher.  The strategies presented reflect at large the priorities towards delivering WOW culture within classrooms.

Based on the teachers’ experience in the classrooms, the explorage is delivered via the following:

  1. Establishing rapport with an individual student which will enable you to help them better and create a win win situation for every one.
  2. Have a rapport with the group of students by using pacing and leading. Use this to turn the entire group around to your agenda while remaining in charge.
  3. Teaching students using the primary senses which entrails determining the primary sense system of the student and then delivering information in a way that works best for that system.
  4. Learning how to read students’ mind by learning how to read their eye movements.
  5. Exploring and identifying the balance between right brain days and left brain days. Determining which mode the class is in and then teach in a manner appropriate to the mood of the day in particular.

The subjective analysis within the classrooms attract effective communication skills by teachers and replicating them to the students at large. The concept integrates the language of the mind to consistently achieve our specific and desired outcomes. The education delivery with excellence after identifying the traits of the audience is hence an art being explored via this.

This is delivered in the course towards excellence in say.  Happy Learning.

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