Introduction to Web Application Penetration Testing

Introduction to Web Application Penetration Testing, Learn how to perform penetration tests on web applications for bug bounty hunting and exploit a potential vulnerability.
Course Description
In this course, you’ll learn the basics of performing basic penetration tests on web applications manually and using automated penetration testing tools with the help of different Artificial Intelligence that exist out there. We will compare the differences and answers given by three different AI’s including ChatGPT, PenTestGPT and WhiteRabbitNeo AI and see the negative sides of using AI as a whole when performing these penetration tests. We will perform some manual tests without using automated tools to better understand how vulnerabilities can be exploited without getting any false negatives that are present when using AI and automation for penetration tests; I will also disclose a duplicate report that I obtained permission for to disclose to the public which I was allowed to disclose, so you have an idea on how to write reports to HackerOne and other Web Application Penetration Testing Bug Bounties and Vulnerability Disclosure Programs.
Please note that this course is for educational purposes only. This course is intended to teach people to perform ethical hacking and contains highly sophisticated cybersecurity techniques which can be used by anyone. Do not use anything taught in this course illegally, I will not be responsible for any damage or harm caused to a system from what you learn and apply from this course. This course is for people who want to become Bug Bounty Hunters and White Hat Hackers to prepare and refresh them for a better world of security and help in mitigating cyber risks.