Introduction to Bucking Hardwood Trees for Value, Steps and Important Elements to Consider when Optimizing your Hardwood Tree Bucking!.
Course Description
In this course you will learn to recognize important elements that affect the sawlog yield of hardwood trees when bucking for value. These elements are decay, sweep and other defects. You will also learn about the NHRI Tree Classification System and how the presence of decay, sweep and defect can reduce the sawlog yield if the appropriate bucking is not applied. Finally, you will see the steps to follow and to guide you towards a strategy that will allow you to optimize your tree bucking for value!
We hope that this simple course will peak your interest and entice you to check out more of our content. We strive to: Mobilize knowledge into effective solutions that our clients can materialize into tangible benefits, such as:
- Improved resource growth
- Increased harvest volumes
- Higher timber value
- Long-term sustainability
This course will help you Improve knowledge of the northern hardwood resource, develop silviculture methods that promote the sustainable yield of desired species and products and increase the volume and value of the northern hardwood stands, effectively transfer knowledge to your own woodlot and increase the value of your investments in forest timberlands. It is a sample of many more courses to come in the near future.