Increasing Understanding of Child Development


Increasing Understanding of Child Development, Drake University Doctoral Capstone Experience.

Course Description

This course is designed to educate viewers about my 14-week capstone experience that I completed at ChildServe in Johnston, IA. This course will walk you through the research I used to complete my needs assessment, critically appraised topic, and outline for a successful capstone project. You will learn why I chose program development for my area of focus and my overarching goal of the project. You will be able to identify the contributions to the profession and the capstone connections to Drake’s OTD program themes. The course will detail my learning objectives and learning artifacts that support the completion of each objective. Some examples of artifacts you will learn about during this course will be a summary of my interview to identify the needs of the site, educational handouts and resources with consideration to health literacy, and my involvement with the creation of a new social group for connect improv curriculum. There will be details about my capstone site and acknowledgments for the mentors and how they progressed my learning and supported me throughout the completion of my experience. At the end of the course, there will be 4 questions that viewers and participants will be able to answer based on the information included in this course.

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