improve your student’s test prep math


improve your student’s test prep math, Fast, simple techniques and strategies to ROCK the SAT and ACT Math.

Course Description

NOTE: This course must be purchased by an adult for any high school student under the age of 18.

This course provides a glimpse into clear and concise ways students can better approach SAT and ACT math, and how Drew can help them further!

In a series of tight videos, students can quickly and effectively improve their test prep math acumen. Algebra, Geometry, Word Problems and others are all featured.

But these videos go beyond content…

In a short time, Drew’s teaching style and approach to test-taking simultaneously change the way students look at the exams. Students who then want to learn more with Drew can then seek him out for further help.

Best of all, the opportunity is there for a repeat viewing of these modeled questions, which leads to mastery and confidence, which then translates into higher scores.

Specific questions found in this lecture series include the unit circle, ellipses, volume, law of sines, mean, median, algebraic equations, functions, and others.

Drew’s approach is direct. There is virtually zero fluff, self-promotion, or advertising of any kind in these clips – all of which come in at under two minutes.

While these quick vids are never a substitute for one-on-one work, they will give your student a productive glimpse into what’s possible working with Drew in a fully immersed, private consulting scenario.

This course must be purchased by an adult for any high school student under the age of 18.

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