IC/FPGA Design P2-S2: Verilog for Design and Verification


IC/FPGA Design P2-S2: Verilog for Design and Verification, Consistency between circuit diagram, RTL code and waveform.

Course Description

Quick master through examples and coding exercises, in videos less than 10 hours. After study, you can have the ability of consistency between circuit schematic, Verilog code and waveform. That’s given anyone of them, you can figure out the other two. In this chapter (will be divided to several free sections), I’ll explain:

1: Digital IP/IC design flow;

2: Quick review of digital fundamental

3: Install Verilator and GTKwave

4: Common used Verilog syntax for design and verification

5: Design combination logic(basic gates, MUX, decoder, one-hot decoder)

6: Design sequential logic(sync-DFF, async-DFF)

7: Design small but useful block(counter, edge detect, shift registers, sequence check, sync_fifo)

8: Design FSM(finite state machine)

9: Design basic testbench

10: Common mistakes for synthesis(incomplete sensitive list, latch, multi-driven, combination logic loop)

11: Practice time: design and verify z-scan and complex sequence check(FSM)

This is chapter 2, section 2 of whole Digital IC and FPGA design course.

In the whole course, I will introduce fundamentals of digital IC and FPGA design, with 12+ coding exercises and 3 course projects.

Theory part: MOS transistor -> logic cells -> arithmetic data path -> Verilog language -> common used HW function blocks and architecture -> STA -> on-chip-bus(APB/AHB-Lite/AXI4) -> low power design -> DFT -> SOC(MCU level).

Function blocks and architecture: FSM, pipeline, arbiter, CDC, sync_fifo, async_fifo, ping-pong, pipeline with control, slide window, pipeline hazard and forward path, systolic.

Project: SHA-256 algorithm with simple interface, SHA-256 with APB/AXI interface, 2D DMA controller with APB/AXI interface.

After explaining of each HW architecture, I will give you a coding exercise, with reference code. Coding difficulty will begin from several lines to fifty lines, more than 100 lines, then around 200 lines. While the final big project will be 1000+ lines.

I suppose these should be essential knowledge and skills you need master to enter this area.

I will try my best to explain what-> how-> why and encourage you to do it better in this course.

Please browse to my homepage on Udemy to obtain information about each chapter of this course.

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