HTML : HTML Awesomeness


HTML : HTML Awesomeness, HTML : Write HTML the Awesome Way!

Course Description

Welcome to the HTML Awesomeness Course, where you will learn to write the basics of HTML, the awesome way.

I designed this course for anyone seeking to learn basic HTML and begin a career as a rockstar web developer, as well as anybody who just loves to expand their knowledge.

By the end of the course, you will have a rock solid knowledge of all HTML building blocks such as:

  • HTML Titles
  • HTML Links
  • HTML images
  • HTML Forms
  • And many many more..

I will teach you the latest version of HTML5 by the standards of the W3C Association. These standards are used by all the major companies in the world.

Not only I will cover the all of these topics, but I will also give you an opportunity to practice them by giving you a pop quiz every now and then.

The ideal student for this course is anybody who wants to expand their knowledge of HTML or get a leg up in the web developer world.

There are no prerequisites necessary to enroll but I do request that you come open-minded to my silly jokes!

I look forward to meeting you inside.

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