How to publish a website for free, Publishing website, Deploying the website.
Course Description
In this video I will explain how to publish a website for free. This tutorial is helpful for students and working professional they can publish their websites or any projects, and showcase in the resume or any demo sessions. This tutorial is for education purpose only. As I am working professions every students and working professionals must know about publishing the website.
Benefit of publishing website or any project is, if anyone ask about the demo we can easily share the URL of the website and it will be one plus point if we are going for interviews or any presentations.
When I was student I published one collage website still the students and faculties using that website, and juniors monitoring this website. It feels some if anybody using my product.
This course I made for both students and working professionals, In this course your gonna learn about latest tools and techniques that uses in the industrial level. This course is beginner friendly and easily students can understand and deploy the website. In this course I covered the basic concepts in theoretical and practical implementations.
After going through this course I want make sure every one should able to deploy the website.
Thank You