How to Be Assertive At Work


How to Be Assertive At Work, An Introduction to the Art of Assertiveness: what assertiveness means & 19 strategies to be more assertive.

Course Description

Learn assertiveness.

Avoid these problems by learning how to be assertive:

  • Do others take advantage of you?
  • Do you feel unappreciated and undervalued at work?
  • Do others ignore you?
  • Do you hesitate to speak your mind?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed, stressed out and guilty?
  • Do you lack confidence at work?

This course can help you if you are a:

  • Professional or business person – If you deal with any type of people at work – boss, employees, colleagues, clients, suppliers or even professors.
  • Life-long learner – If you want to develop your soft skills and communication skills at work, this course is for you!
  • Confidence seeker – If you want to boost your confidence through action, this is the course for you!
  • Busy person – And you want a quick overview that goes straight to the point. We cover a lot in 40min.

This course is my gift to you. It’s completely FREE.

Enroll today for FREE!

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