History of transformation in Higher Education, History of transformation in Higher Education – The review.
After completion of this module, the students should be able to proffer a critical account of the trends and concerns about Higher Education policy and transformation. Provide informed conversations about the relevant developments and topical issues regarding the transformation of Higher Education in South Africa.
The student should be able to give a critical account of the discourse of Higher Educational policy trends with reference to the SA Higher Education transformation.
Demonstrate fundamental knowledge of the past system of Higher Education in SA;
The student should be able to demonstrate integrated knowledge about the relevant policies and transformative rationale for the current system of Higher Education in SA;
Explain how the micro, meso and macro-environmental contexts of society impact on Higher education policy decisions, development and implementation.
The student should be able to develop a critical theoretical understanding of the transformation of Higher Education in SA, in particular through the theoretical lenses offered by critical race theory, cosmopolitanism and others;
The student should be able to participate meaningfully in the debate about access to Higher Education in SA;
The student should be able to participate meaningfully in the conversations regarding Globalisation, Internationalisation and Africanisation of Higher Education in SA;
The student should be able to critically engage with past, present and future challenges to Higher Education in SA.
Provide a historical overview of the establishment of universities in South Africa; o Trace the historical development of post-1994 policies for Higher Education.
In-depth knowledge and understanding of the history of the transformation of Higher Education in South Africa.
Link the various philosophy/methodologies of the History of the transformation of Higher Education.