Ethics, Confidentiality, HIPAA, & Mandated Reporting


Ethics, Confidentiality, HIPAA, & Mandated Reporting, Basic Training for Violence Peer Counselors in California.

Course Description

The goal of this course is to provide participants with a basic introduction to ethics, confidentiality, HIPAA and mandated reporting. Although it is aimed at violence peer counselors, this course is suitable for anyone who provides peer support services and/or works with young adults. The information covered in this course include:

  • The role of a mandated reporter
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • How confidentiality and minor consent work
  • 5 Core Professional Values of the Counseling Profession
  • Fundamental principles of professional ethical behavior

Through this course of 6 lectures, over 40 minutes of video content, informational handouts and 2 quizzes, participants will be able to understand how the law defines child abuse/neglect, articulate what the law requires of a mandated reporter, identify potential evidence of child abuse, know the process for reporting child abuse, understand the basics of HIPAA, and recognize the importance of confidentiality and professional ethical practice.

As violence peer counselors or anyone who provides peer support services, it is important to have a grasp on this content. Participants who take this course will become more informed about the laws and principles of their field – which in turn will greatly benefit their work.

*The name of the person narrating this course is Nicky MacCallum.

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