EB2 NIW Reserach Paper Software Setup & Litreature Review

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EB2 NIW Reserach Paper Software Setup & Litreature Review, EB2 NIW Build Your Profile Series. Install the tools, find related work, work under collabrative environment.

Course Description

EB2 NIW Build Your Profile Series

Reserach Paper Software Setup & Litreature Review on Latex & Zotero

EB2 NIW Build Your Profile Series. Install the tools, find related work, work under collabrative environment

What you will learn:

  1. Learn How to Install all packages needed to write research papers
  2. Learn how to get best papers for the topic selected
  3. Create litreature review notes and how to find out what next ideas to work on
  4. Change edit and curate code in Latex for Litreature Review

Things we will do in this course.

Section 1

  1. Start with fresh ubuntu Install
  2. Update ubuntu
  3. Install Texstudio to run all Latex code (examples of IEEE, Springer, World Scientific)
  4. Install supporting package for references, charts, maths symbols and handle common errors
  5. Install Zotero, import zotero references
  6. Install Anaconda, setup env varibles
  7. Install tensor, tranformers and datasets
  8. Run Notebooks for recreating models, charts, etc
  9. Use Chatgpt to find your way when you get an error

Section 2

  1. Get top 15 papers from google scholar
  2. Write notes on Zotero about papers you reviewed
  3. Using litreature review Develop ideas of what you can contribute
  4. Import paper in Latex code example used Spinger Journal
  5. Write litreature review ideas using ChatGPT (required curation later)
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