DevOps 101, Beginner’s guide to pipelines, CI/CD, tools, and automation with Buddy.
Course Description
Welcome to DevOps 101!
This free course is designed to introduce you to the world of DevOps and explain the very basics of CI/CD, pipelines, automation, and more. Whether you’re a rookie engineer dreaming of becoming a DevOps pro, or you’re an IT professional who’s tired of not knowing what this “DevOps” thing your colleagues are talking about is – this course is for you.
You don’t have to have any engineering background to learn from this course! Naturally, since we’re talking about automating software development, some tech-talk is involved. But don’t worry, this course won’t ask you to know Python, Ruby, Kubernetes, or Docker. In fact, you don’t need to know any programming language, there aren’t any prerequisites* – just watch and learn!
Here’s what you’re going to learn about:
- What is DevOps? What is it not?
- What are pipelines?
- What are: CI/CD and… CD?
- How to inject your project with a healthy dose of automation and gain more time to write code?
- What are Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment? What approaches to use when creating pipelines for these models?
… and more!
The course is created in collaboration with Victoria Lo and is based on her article series. Make sure to read the articles listed in the “resources” section for each lecture to learn even more.
* Well, I’m showing everything using macOS so it’ll be easier for you to follow in my footsteps if you’ve got a Mac as well.