Connecting to Community, Health, and Governmental Services


Connecting to Community, Health, and Governmental Services, Basic Training for Violence Peer Counselors in California.

Course Description

The goal of this course is to provide participants with the skills to navigate within community, health, and government resources. Although it is aimed at violence peer counselors, this course is suitable for anyone who provides peer support services and/or works with young adults. The information covered in this course include:

  • Contacting community, health, and governmental resources
  • What to prepare for with clients in various settings
  • Interacting with employees/environment
  • Follow-ups

Through this course of 5 lectures, over 60 minutes of video content, informational handouts and 1 quiz, participants will be able to effectively research and identify the appropriate community, health, and governmental resources, support clients when visiting community, health, and governmental offices, understand client reactions and interactions with employees and the environment, and understand how to follow up with clients after visiting community, health, and governmental offices.

Understanding how the process of connecting clients to community, health, and government resources work is extremely important as a peer counselor or anyone who provides peer support services. Clients rely heavily on peer counselors to guide them through the resource connection process from beginning to end. Thus this course will greatly benefit those in this field of work.

*The name of the person narrating this course is Kyndra Simmons.

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