Coding in Fun – Basic Programming and TypeScript


Coding in Fun – Basic Programming and TypeScript, Easy learning by examples.

Course Description

Why take a course with ‘Coding in Fun’?

  • The biggest advantage of this course is that on top of the built-in quizzes, there is a dedicated course website with hundreds of exercises for the different lessons.
  • The course breaks subjects down into mini-topics, making it simple and easy  to follow.
  • The course follows a unique learning by examples methodology, using real-life examples to illustrate the concepts we learn.

Who is this course for?

This course was built so it’s suited for everyone – kids and adults.

Whether you want to start studying programming from scratch; or to improve your base; or you already have a good understanding of the basics and you’d like to learn TypeScript; or just have fun studying something new – this course is for you.

No prior knowledge or skill is required.

What does this course cover?

This course focuses on basic programming principles, coding concepts, and TypeScript.

What we’ll cover:

  1. Programming principals:
    • Code readability, simplicity, and correctness
    • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
    • APIs
  2. Basic coding concepts and TypeScript:
    • Code Conventions and Comments
    • Variables
    • Operators
    • Conditionals
    • Functions
    • Arrays
    • Loops
    • Object-Oriented Programming: Objects and Classes
    • Object-Oriented Programming: Encapsulation and APIs
    • Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance

What is the ‘Easy learning by examples’ methodology?

What I’ve realized during many years of developing software and teaching, is that by using real-life examples, learning is made into fun and is easier to connect with, and therefore easier to follow. We will keep examples to a maximum, and explanations to a minimum. Therefore, this is not a tutorial, but rather a practical course, and you can expect to have a good understanding of basic programming and TypeScript.

Why break a subject down into mini-topics?

If there’s one thing students don’t like – it’s a long lecture. It’s exhausting and ineffective.

In my courses, I always break topics down into mini-topics, each one forms a short lesson, accompanied by examples, and followed by a quiz and a practical test.

This way guarantees that we only move on to the next mini-topic, after we completely apprehend the current one.

Smaller and focused lesson content -> shorter lesson -> easier to follow the examples given -> successful quiz and practice.

Why TypeScript?

TypeScript is an advanced form of JavaScript, and is the language used both in Node.js (backend) and React.js (frontend). If one day you decide to develop your own app or website, or both, then with TypeScript you could do both and not have to learn another language.

What is the course structure?

Each section focuses on a coding concept:

  1. The first lesson is always a video explaining the concept in general, using an example from real life, with no reference to TypeScript.
  2. The next lessons are a breakdown of the coding concept into mini-topics, always using examples to make the subject clear, while explaining relevant programming principals along the way.Almost all lessons are followed by a quiz and a reference to practical exercises on the course dedicated website.

My goal is for you to enjoy the course, and become proficient in the material by the time you finish it!!

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