Cloud Optimization Essentials Certification


Cloud Optimization Essentials Certification, Cloud Cost Optimization.

Course Description

Credential holders have completed basic training on Cloud Optimization. They have an understanding of areas to optimize such as Cost, performance, security, and compliance, and have passed a comprehensive exam on the topics covered in the training.

This course provides basic-level training for Cloud Computing and Optimization. Upon completing the course and certification ( multiple choice quiz), you can get Cloud Optimization Essentials certification.

The course is prepared based on the experience of clod certified engineers

Covered even the most basic concepts of Cloud computing and cloud cost optimization in our course. So even if you have minimum experience in cloud computing or up to 5-6 years, you can opt for this course.

Even if you are new to the cloud and want to excel your career in cloud computing, you can go through this course.

The student will learn in this Course: What is cloud computing, Why cloud computing, the Benefits of cloud computing, the Deployment model, the Cloud computing service model, Reducing cloud cost and Benefits of cloud cost optimization, Cloud market growth, Saving cost, Best practices, Use optimization, find best rate and object storage, etc

Cloud cost optimization: Cloud cost optimization is finding ways to run applications in the cloud, performing work or providing value to the business, at the lowest possible cost, and using cloud providers as cost-efficiently as possible. Optimization as practice ranges from simple business management to complex scientific and engineering areas like operations research, decision science and analytics, and modeling and forecasting.


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