Cisco CCNA 200-301 Part I


Cisco CCNA 200-301 Part I, Networking Basics.

Course Description

Cisco is one of the largest and most famous companies in the world which produce different types of networking devices and solutions. CCNA is the most basic certification and one of the most wanted ones. The reason CCNA is so much important is it includes lots of fundamental information which can help learners to build a solid foundation for their future even if they work with other brands products. This is the first part of the Cisco CCNA 200-301 which will be publishing overtime.

In this part, the basic foundation you need to build for a successful journey have been covered. This part starts with emphasizing why Cisco is so important and why we need to learn its concepts. Next we go through network models and how data flows inside networks. TCP/IP and OSI are the two most important protocols in computer networking world. So, the next step is an introductory to these two and a bit comparison.

TCP and UDP are two of the most important and heavy duty protocols in TCP/IP stack as they are responsible for transferring data. TCP/IP is a protocol suite and each member does it’s job so we can communicate in different ways. Application layer is the busiest layer in the protocol stack in terms of number of protocols. We have had a look at these protocols and their responsibilities in the next video. IPv4 and IPv6 are the protocols that provide logical addressing for us in the networks. The final videos in this part cover different aspects of these two important protocols

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