Building Application Ecosystem with Docker Compose


Building Application Ecosystem with Docker Compose, Single & Multi Container Docker Compose.

Course Description

This course is designed to teach you how to build and run an entire application ecosystem using Docker Compose.  We will start out by learning to build a simple single container using a Docker Compose file.  You will be creating a MySQL database in a single container.  You will also get a brief exposure to using a RESTful Feign Client and Liquibase schema migration tool to enforce database schema..  From there, you will learn to build a multi container Docker Compose.  You will create a MySQL and a Kafka/Zookeeper container.  Finally, you will learn to build an entire application ecosystem with Docker Compose, very much close to real life implementation.  This will consist of MySQL, Kafka/Zookeeper and a Spring Boot Microservice.  For this course you will need to download and install Docker desktop (its free).  You will also need to open a free Docker Hub account.  Make sure to choose an IDE to work with.  We use IntelliJ in this course.  This course is OS agnostic and will not matter whether you are on a Windows, MacOSX, Linux or Unix platform.  At the end of this course you will be able to download the code files so that you can practice this yourself.

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