A Basic Introduction to Social Media: LinkedIn for Beginners


A Basic Introduction to Social Media: LinkedIn for Beginners, Introducing you to LinkedIn, creating a personal profile & how to use it!

Course Description

Hello, you lovely lot!

Welcome to ‘A Basic Introduction to Social Media: LinkedIn for Beginners’.

We’ll be going through the history of LinkedIn, why businesses need to be on this platform or channel, the basics of LinkedIn, how to create a personal profile, a quick tour & how to create your first post with images & videos.

By the end of this short course will have learned the basics of LinkedIn and gained a couple of helpful tools that you can pass on to other LinkedIn newcomers – or send them my way if you’re short on teaching skills or you simply don’t have time to show them the ropes!

This course will contain slides, videos, audio from myself & tutorial-style learning so that you can work alongside me in creating your personal profile page & get started posting!

I’m also going to introduce you to some other platforms that you may want to try after you’ve mastered the basics of LinkedIn & if you get stuck you know where to come to find answers – If you want to know more about LinkedIn for business, including things like, how to make meaningful connections, send messages & create business pages then you’re in the right place.

Stay social,

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