Up! Personal Growth Plan


Up! Personal Growth Plan, Mindset Makeover.

Course Description

Are you an aspiring real estate agent, salesperson, or startup entrepreneur who could use some help in clearly defining your goals and desires? Do you want help with erasing bad habits, creating good habits that will serve you in becoming a more successful and happy person in your personal and business life? If so, then this course is definitely for you!

Welcome to Up! Course 2: The Entrefluencer’s Personal Growth Plan. In this course, I will show you how you can use some of the world’s greatest motivational speakers, trainers, and self-development coaches to achieve your goals and desires through the power of manifestation. I began researching personal development when I was in junior high school. Over the past 30 years, I have learned from the works of Napoleon Hill, James Allen, Norman Vincent Peale, Dr. John Maxwell, Bob Proctor, John Assaraf, Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Russell Brunson, Brendon Burchard, Steven Covey, Jack Canfield, James Redfield, Dr. Maxwell Maltz, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, and more.

You’ll learn how to use daily reminders and meditations to create new habits, positive affirmations to bolster your self-worth and self-confidence, the law of attraction to visualize achieving your dreams, the power of positive thinking to keep you motivated, the 12 rules of success to guide you on this new journey, and the self-confidence formula to get you thinking clearly about your goals and to manifest them into your reality. Everything you will learn here will work for you if you are willing to manage your daily thoughts and actions and so long as your goals are in harmony with the universal laws that apply to all of humanity. Are you ready to find out what they are? Sign up to get started on your personal growth plan today!

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