Succeed in Futures Even if You Don’t Know Where to Start


Succeed in Futures Even if You Don’t Know Where to Start, This is your investing survival guide for using futures and stop order safety switches to speculate or hedge.

Course Description

Everybody Gets What They Want

Legendary futures trader Ed Seykota grew one $5,000 client account by 250,000 percent into over $12,000,000 per the New York Times bestseller “Market Wizards” by Jack Schwager. That’s on a cash-on-cash basis.

But, this is not what Seykota is talking about when he says “everybody gets what they want.”  He means that unconscious desires are immediately expressed when trading the frantic futures markets.

Careless gamblers are consumed by the fire in the pit when trades wipe out their accounts.  For every man or woman made millionaire by the futures markets there are hundreds of financial body bags for those who fail.

This course is a professional primer of core concepts and strategies intended to increase your probability of survival in these markets.  Take your first steps to exploring your possibility of futures trading as a business.

I am a professor of finance at a major state university business school.  We are AACSB accredited, only 5% are.

The University of Puerto Rico trains the most CFAs and CPAs in the Caribbean region.

I am making my teachings available to you in this groundbreaking online course.

You will be converted into an informed futures trader.  You will know what to do and when to do it.  I will show you how to trade in simulation so that you never risk more than is prudent for your situation.

Terry S. emails, “Hats off to you Scott, it definitely shows you put a lot of effort and time into this course.”

Enroll now.  Your learning is guaranteed or your good karma back (since this is a free course).  Enroll now.  -Doc Brown

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