Sensory Diets/Parent Education Doctoral Capstone Experience


Sensory Diets/Parent Education Doctoral Capstone Experience, Pediatric Sensory Diet and Parent Education.

Course Description

My name is Emerson Knapp and I am a third year entry-level occupational therapy doctoral student. This course will outline the doctoral experience completed at MetroWest Learning Center in Clive, Iowa. The project focus was on sensory diets and parent education. This presentation will included a detailed needs assessment and a literature review completed prior to the doctoral capstone experience, as well as provide in-depth information on the 14-week doctoral capstone experience.

Participants of this course will learn about sensory processing disorder difficulties, the importance of parent involvement, and how sensory diets can impact a child to increase occupational performance. This Udemy course contains lectures and research articles that support this topic. Throughout the lecture, there are a variety of downloadable materials created as a part of the capstone experience that will be accessible for you to view on your computer. There is a short quiz at the end of the presentation to test knowledge gained from this course. There are references at the end of the presentation that can be used for further education on the information provided throughout this course. Thank you for taking time your time in completing this course, I hope you enjoy and find it useful!

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