Reset your trading: Drawdown Recovery Process

Reset your trading: Drawdown Recovery Process, Feeling lost, disheartened, disappointed? Going through drawdown? Perfectly normal! You just need a clear, simple plan..
Course Description
This course is not about making big money or getting rich overnight, but about surviving during tough drawdowns.
Feeling lost, disheartened, disappointed? Going through drawdown? Perfectly normal, you just need to know how to RESET!
What Will You Get From This Course?
Offering a recipe for handling the periods of drawdown in your trading, which are perfectly normal to a degree by the way, this course provides you with a straightforward fail-safe plan that you can implement whenever your account goes through a tough time.
Drawdown periods are extremely likely, no matter what technical strategy you use or the risk management structure you have implemented. Since trading is based on probabilities, there’s nothing wrong with having series of losing trades every now and then. You basically cannot escape the intrinsic behavior of the market, which is more or less pseudo-random.
As your strategy improves over time and you get more experienced as a trader, you’re going to realize that there’s nothing wrong with you as a trader or as a person whenever drawdown hits your account.
However, what I’ve learned over the years is that I need a solid plan, a POWER OFF/POWER ON strategy to better handle these rough times and not become a slave of my own emotions, greed, fomo and revenge trading habits.
Everybody online, every guru, influencer or mentor teaches you “how to make money” and preaches only about the good times in trading. At the end of the day, your trades hitting the TP are easy to handle, winning and watching the equity curve go up is also easy and enjoyable. However, no one talks about the dark times, the pain and negative emotions you have to go through when there’s a deeper retracement in your equity curve.
Therefore, what makes the difference over the long term is how well you handle losses and losing streaks, not how you flex your winners on Instagram or your rented Lambo on the beautiful streets of Dubai.
ACTIVELY HANDLING DRAWDOWN – not sitting on the couch being depressed about your results – is what this course is all about. Having a short, solid and easy-to-follow backup plan during the dark times is the key, in my opinion.
- SHORT because during the hard times you’re always looking for a quick fix, eager to get back into the game, and not to watch countless hours of videos of some guy teaching you stuff. That’s why this course is short and to the point.
- SOLID means it has to be efficient in increasing your win rate in the short term – which is obviously very low during drawdown – thus also increasing your self-confidence to decent levels. Additionally, it has to also provide actionable steps that will help you zoom out and see the bigger picture.
- EASY-TO-FOLLOW is another must-have attribute for your backup plan, since during drawdown we both know you are emotionally drained, your anxiety is through the roof and your ability to focus is very low, therefore you need as much simplicity and clarity as possible.
Without further ado, go ahead and check out the curriculum of this course and decide for yourself if it’s worth a shot.
Enroll now and I’ll see you on the other side!