Personal Success Strategy

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Personal Success Strategy, Achieve Success through Goal setting and Lasting Change, following Tactics Proven to Accelearate the Cycle of Success.

Course Description

What is your BHAG? I learnt the term BHAG years ago (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) on a  training day and it’s something I have never forgotten. In fact it set the wheels in motion to start my own coaching practice.

Setting and achieving real goals, and not just the goals around things we can do,  or think we can do, is a great way of enhancing your life and accelerating your journey to success.

‘All progress takes place outside of the comfort zone’ – Michael John Bobak

Once we had identified our BHAG, we were asked how we would achieve it. The answer?

The same way you eat an elephant. ELEPHANT BURGERS! Make the big goal lots of manageable actions.

Today, people have the BHAG of being a ‘success’, but many don’t really have an idea of what that is, or how to get there. In this course we look at the  core theories, tools and mechanisms for making lasting change to achieve your personal definition of success.

Drawing on evidence based practices and the work of scientists, therapists and authors you will have all the underpinning knowledge to start, and continue, the cycle of change that is ever present.

The tutorial videos are loaded with information and are direct and to the point. The course covers topics such as:

Effective goal setting

Your current life situation

What your key resistors are

Your key motivators

Assess the risks associated with your goal

The cycles and curves of change and success

How to reduce resistance

Your personal ‘forcefield’

How to fail


States of Being

Habits and more…

We look at real life examples of commitment and persistence to help you deepen your understanding of what is required to achieve your outcome.   There are also worksheets and download-able resources to help you with your learning as well as templates for practical support as you start to define your objectives and make goals.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee – You can try this course for 30 days risk free with the Udemy 30 day money back pledge. I hope you will find it worth the investment, but if you don’t you can get your money back no questions asked.

Rise to the challenge that you always tell yourself you will…someday. Do it today!

Good Luck


Who is this course for?

It’s for you if you are currently struggling to get the results you want in your life or if you feel that you are not living your full potential.

If you are struggling with goal setting models and are not making progress on the list of goals you have already attempted.

If you feel that there is something that ‘should’ be happening in your life but you can’t quite define what that ‘should’ is.

If you want to know more about the modelling of success and value in your life

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