Master in Software Architecture, Engineering and Development

Master in Software Architecture, Engineering and Development, Best Software Practices for software engineer and team leads- Agile, User Centric Design, Automation and Security Focus.
Course Description
Want to become an Excellent Software Development Organization but don’t know what to do?
Take a look at this course where you will
· Not only learn what to do to become a Excellent Software Development Organization but also learn
· How to adopt the Software Development Excellence Practices.
· Preview many lectures for free to see the content for yourself
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My exposure to Software Development Excellence started when I came in contact with great software development companies like CISCO etc who came to IIM Udaipur to recruit management students to help them maintain and build on their excellence
I came to know about their requirements from the management students to drive excellence in Software Development
I went on a journey to discover the best practices following by researching not only the companies visiting IIM Udaipur but also the Best Software Development Companies globally like GitHub, Netflix, Amazon Web Services, Spotify, Google and Microsoft
I bring in this course my learnings from this journey and sharing with you how can you also become an Excellent Software Development Company
Look at what other students like you are saying about this course
“great content”
“Excellent and brief explanation about the topics in the industry”
“Very Useful knowledge”
“Very good course to learn”
“My first time and the lesson are clearly explained. Looking forward to further in the course of study”
“It is a good match and easy to understand”
Preview for yourself many lectures free. If you like the content, enroll for the course, enjoy and skill yourself to Become a Excellent Software Development Company! If don’t like the content, please message about how can we modify it to meet your expectations.
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