How to Deliver the Perfect Presentation


How to Deliver the Perfect Presentation, How to Master the Perfect Pitch, Presentation, Sell More, Improve Selling, Prospecting, Coaching & Cold Calling Impact.

Course Description

Customers have less time and patience than ever. If you’re still selling and presenting the way you were last year you’re already set up for failure. While 73% of companies have changed their procurement and purchasing process, only 17% of companies have changed the way they sell.

For you to stand out, especially when delivering a presentation remotely, it’s not about refining your presentation, but reinventing it, and the language you use to connect with your prospects and customers in a deeper, more meaningful way.

That requires making the transformation from salesperson to The Consultative Coach to coach your customers to succeed. Shift from making a pitch to having a conversation.

Discover The Power of the Permission-Based Presentation So You Can Align the Way You Sell With The Way Customers Buy Today. 

Learn the critical conversations every salesperson needs to master in order to deliver the perfect presentation that wins more sales. Some of the questions this program will answer are:

1. In a remote presentation environment, how can you come across as authentic, trustworthy and genuine, when investors can no longer take cues from body language?

2. Given the inherent distractions associated with a virtual setting, how can I make sure I maintain a structure, maintain engagement and, keep the attention of my audience for the entirety of my presentation even if I have to adjust in the moment? (i.e. combating Zoom fatigue)?

3. How can I tailor my presentation to meet the needs of both quantitative and qualitative audiences, without losing the attention of one group?

4. How can you gauge the prospect’s interest at the end of the meeting? Are there additional things we need to do to ensure we’re aligning our selling process with their timeline, due diligence, and investment process?

5. Is it overwhelming if too many individuals from my firm speak during the presentation, or is it better for the allocators to meet more people from my firm?



6. How do you advise handling virtual transitions and hand-offs between speakers?

7. How should you handle responding to a question from a prospect that you don’t know the answer to?

8. How can I create a feeling of trust and reassure prospects, given my limited track record?

9. Given the length of presentations (35-40 minutes), what is the best way to maintain a structure such that the audience can easily stay engaged?

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