From Stage Fright to Loving the Spotlight


From Stage Fright to Loving the Spotlight, Learn stress-free public speaking. Eliminate anxiety and begin to thrive when presenting to others.

Course Description

We can’t present well when we are not feeling well. In this course, we will unlock the key to deliver great performances and presentations. Delivering a great performance is a lot easier when we feel great about doing it. We therefore focus on developing techniques that puts you in a healthy mental state during preparation and delivery of your presentation. Upon completion of this course, you should have transitioned from a state of fear to a state of comfort and anticipation when it comes to the prospect of presenting in front of an audience. We start by looking at destructive behaviors caused by negative emotions. We then learn to manage our emotions better and to avoid engaging in destructive actions. We also look at how we can mitigate uncomfortable physical reactions often associated with anxiety or stage fright. Finally, we learn how to adopt a behavior that helps or reduce anxiety so that we can focus on preparing and delivering a great performance. As part of the course, you will also be introduced to several tools that will (1) help you manage your emotions during the creative process; (2) prepare to present or perform in front of an audience; (3) deliver you performance and, (4) how to respond to questions or challenges from the audience.

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