First Steps in Programming with C# for Beginners


First Steps in Programming with C# for Beginners, Learn Coding by Examples and by Solving Practical Problems with C# and Visual Studio.

Course Description

The training course “First Steps in Programming with C# for Beginners” teaches the basics of computer coding through a lot of practical exercises. The course content combines simple explanations with a lot of live coding examples and many practical assignments with an automated online evaluation. The course comes with a free C# coding book, which gives more detailed explanations for each covered topic. The course is suitable for absolute beginners, who want to start coding and decide whether they enjoy writing computer programs and want to invest more efforts to learn more and become software engineering professionals.

Course topics:

  • Understanding coding, writing simple commands and programs
  • Working with the Visual Studio IDE: writing and executing C# programs
  • Using variables, data, expressions and calculations
  • Reading and writing numbers and text to the console
  • Using conditional statements (if-else and switch-case statements)
  • Using loops to repeat code logic (for loop, while loop, do-while loop)
  • Practical problem solving with automated online evaluation system
  • Designing simple algorithms (during the problem solving)

This practical coding training course is already attended by 100,000+ students at the Software University (SoftUni), who started their software developer career using this course. Thousands of SoftUni graduates already work as software engineers in the industry (search for “SoftUni alumni LinkedIn”).

This training is the first important step in learning computer programming and software development. It is just the start and far from enough to start a job. It lays solid foundation for additional learning of programming and software technologies, building problem solving skills, algorithmic thinking and reaching a software developer job later.

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