Believe in yourself WOMAN !


Believe in yourself WOMAN ! Come learn ways to believe in yourself and know how to ignite your POWER.

Course Description

One of the largest barriers to personal growth and feeling good about yourself is being self-critical or beating yourself up. You might be so used to having negative thoughts about yourself, you don’t even hear them anymore. Learn how to stop this and start believing in yourself

Research suggests that self care and love  is the first step towards believing in yourself. People who score high on tests of self-compassion have less depression and anxiety, and tend to be happier and more optimistic. Preliminary data suggest that self-compassion can even influence how much we eat and may help some people lose weight.

Come learn ways you can grow in self esteem and learn how to believe in yourself.

Course curriculum includes the following:-

1. What does it mean to believe in yourself?

2. Ways to deprogram old limiting beliefs

3. The power of the mind

4. The conscious and subconscious mind

5. Using affirmations in our life

6. The power of Iam, Ican, and Iwill

7. How to write affirmations

8. Different kind of affirmations

9. What is Self Esteem and why is it important?

10. Ways to improve Self-Esteem

I am sure this course will help you get more confident, erase limiting beliefs, learn the power your mind has on your life and how affirmations can help you change your perspective.

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