AOS Animate on scroll with examples


AOS Animate on scroll with examples, AOS Animate on scroll with examples.

Course Description

On this course you will learn how to create 5 easy animations to your web templates with the AOS on scroll script.

The course is split on 5 Lectures:

First Lecture description:


On the video you will find the introduction of the course, you will see the types of animation you can make with the AOS script.

Second Video description:

Apply AOS Animate on scroll in your texts or images.

On the second lecture you will learn how to use the AOS script on scroll library on your templates by adding the animation code to your sections tags in the images, text and more.

Third Video description:

AOS on scroll Flipping Boxes

On the third lecture you will learn how to make a basic menu with logo, a background picture and a container with 4 boxes with a flipping animation on scroll. The boxes include images, a paragraph and a button link.

Fourth Video description:

AOS Animated Portfolio Background

On the fourth lecture you will learn how to make a portfolio header with a transparent background image with text and a zoom in animation with a circle on the back.

Fifth Video description:

AOS Animated merging images

On this video you will learn how to make an animation using 3 Images that merge to the center of the template with the zoom in option.

This course is made for Web developers who have some knowledge on html, and Css.

It is not necessary to have any experience on Javascript since we don’t use this programming language.

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