Anger Management – Helicopter Approach

Anger Management – Helicopter Approach, Personal Transformation.
Course Description
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” Buddha
The course is divided into 3 parts.
Part 1 deals with the regular practices one can do on daily basis like meditation practices.
Part 2 deals with the situation or argument when one goes through anger.
Part 3 is about what one can do after any heated argument.
We are divinely gifted by ‘choice’ ! We always have a choice of dark or light, -ve or +ve, good or bad. Every moment we have a choice. Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional. Wisdom lies in making the right habit and ending the slavery of the egoic self.
What can be the Takeaways of the course ?!
1. Self Awareness – Anger is a habit of conditioned being
2. Empathy
3. Observation of emotional patterns – The root causes of anger
4. Elimination of anger from the roots.
Buddha was asked by his cousin as what did he achieve after becoming a Buddha. And Buddha had very compassionately responded that he did not achieve anything but lost…lost anger, greed, jealousy, pride, lust etc etc. I see this as true victory because even if we conquer the world i.e. achieve power position etc but unable to attend self…the egoist and ignorant self then we are not yet awakened. So, the root question is who within us gets angry and why? Once we decode that and see clearly then we will see anger, greed, hatred etc falls like falling of a skin of snake. And you will evolve into your true self i.e. love and peace.