Agile Prioritization or how to “Put First Things First”


Agile Prioritization or how to “Put First Things First”, Learn how to define the value of the things to do and sort them to create focus and high performance.

Course Description

Imagine if you could find tools that can help you boost focus and maximize the value for the effort, even when you have tons of things to do.

Well, sorting things out and prioritizing is a key skill for that.

Prioritization is about deciding what are the elements that put a task or an action before something else. However, it is not only that. This skill is about being able to see how value and its definition changes over time and quickly adapt to get out the most of the context.

In this course I will teach you some of the basics about agility and why prioritization is important for that.

You will build skills and meet tools that you will be able to use both in your career and in your personal life.

We will go in this journey towards exploring how to ask the right questions to define the attributes of what is really valuable, and then, use those attributes to sort things and execute them in order, with maximum focus.

This course will help you start or improve your skills in choosing the right actions, at the right time.

This course is free and I will do my best to keep it free and improving, so please, use feedback as a constructive way of getting more free stuff like this.

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