Object Oriented Programming in Python 3


Object Oriented Programming in Python 3, Master the Art of OOP with Clear Examples, Code-Along Sessions, Exercises, Quizzes and Real World Projects.

Course Description

Welcome to Object Oriented Programming in Python 3

This course has been carefully designed to deliver the skills needed to master OOP in Python. You can expect to be coding from the very first section and you’ll be asked to think, problem solve, plan and code throughout the entire course.

Learning and building up a practical understanding is more effective with a hands-on approach, and this course teaches OOP in a way that is meaningful, easily accessible and always provides links to real-world use cases. Each section has coding exercises, quizzes and stop-and-code sessions. These get progressively more challenging and continuously build on the skills you’ve learnt in previous sections.

Course Curriculum

Over the course, we will cover the following areas:

  • Visual Studio code + Environment Setup
  • OOP basics and Terminology
  • Creating Classes and Instances
  • Constructors (__init__ methods)
  • Instance Attributes & Methods
  • Class Attributes & Methods
  • Static Methods
  • Properties (Getters, Setters, Deleters)
  • Magic Methods (Also known as Dunder Methods)
  • Inheritance & Composition
  • SOLID Design Principles
  • Data Classes
  • Abstract Base Classes
  • Miscellanous Features – Enums, Slots, Descriptors, Multiple Inheritance

Coding Projects

To give you as many chances as possible to use and develop your OOP skills, you’ll be working on 2 different projects during the course.

1. A Multi Player Quiz –  In this project you’ll use the knowledge from the first half of the course to construct several classes to build a quiz, with classes representing the questions and the players. You’ll then create a class to control the game logic. This project will be written to a professional standard with type hints & documentation strings.

2. An Automatic Weather Notifier – This complex program will call a weather API to fetch the weather, and then use scheduling to do this on a predetermined basis. You’ll then create a class to enable weather alerts and information to be emailed. This will be written to the same professional standard as the multi player quiz.

Coding Challenges

The course contains coding challenges throughout, and these are designed to test your knowledge on all aspects of object orientation.


It’s recommended to have a basic grasp of Python before starting, such as knowing how to use strings, integers/floats, booleans. Knowing the differences between lists/tuples/sets and dictionaries, knowing how to write loops and functions, and also knowing how to work with error handling. Feel free to check out my beginner course via my Udemy profile!

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