How To Study Think And Grow Rich 2nd Edition

How To Study Think And Grow Rich 2nd Edition, Wealthy Mindset.
Course Description
Change How You Think About Money, People, Psychology, And YourSelf, Regardless Of Your Profession And Business
Your thinking will affect your BELIEF, your belief will help you create your MAJOR PURPOSE, your major purpose will clarify your DIRECTED ACTIONS, and your actions, combined with your DESIRE, your DEDICATION, and your DETERMINATION will determine your WEALTH.
Have you read this number 1 best seller book that sold over 100 million copies and helped many self made millionaires achieve financial success, but not had the same results you may have thought you would get?
Are you excited about the power of the book Think And Grow Rich, but unsure how to actually get the discipline, focus, determination and motivation to understand and apply the 13 principles of success?
Are you looking for a simple step by step process to help you turn your dreams and goals into reality?
Then you’re in the right place at the right time.
You will get to adept ideas that will allow you to use Think and Grow Rich to transform every aspect of your life & business.
But it isn’t just about watching videos.
We have carefully designed every module to teach you how to take action and get what you really want in life.
The process includes a check sheet, workbook, infographic and downloads to ensure that you truly understand, apply and benefit from every aspect of the process.