Exception Handling in Python 3 – try, except, else, finally


Exception Handling in Python 3 – try, except, else, finally, To Know Basics of Python and To Enter Python World Very Easily. Get Full Perfection on Exception Handling Concepts.

Course Description

As the part of Exception Handling, we will cover the following topics.

1. Syntax Error vs Runtime Error

2. The 3 Most Important Questions about Exception Handling

3. Default Exception Handling and Exception Hierarchy

4. Customized Exception Handling by using try-except

5. Control flow in try-except

6. How to print Exception Information to the console?

7. try with multiple except blocks?

8. Single except block that can handle multiple different exceptions

9. Default Except Block & Various except block syntaxes

10. finally block purpose and Speciality

11. finally block vs os._exit(0)

12. Important Interview Question: difference between finally block and destructor

13. Control Flow in try-except-finally

14. Nested try-except-finally theory and demo program

15. Control Flow in Nested try-except-finally

16. else block with try-except-finally theory

17. else block with try-except-finally demo programs

18. Various possible combinations of try-except-else-finally

19. Types of Exceptions-Predefined and User Defined

20. How to define and raise Customized Exceptions & Demo Program

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